How to use wetransfer app

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Your photos and videos stay on WeTransfer's servers for a week, after which they are deleted. The files are uploaded to WeTransfer's servers, and your recipient(s) receive a download link to a ZIP file. The mobile app lets you share up to 10GB of photos and videos from your iPhone at once. WeTransfer has been around for a number of years as a desktop Web app for transferring large files, and yesterday it released a WeTransfer app for iOS (an Android app is promised soon). There may not be an easier way, however, to share a greater number of photos and videos than WeTransfer. There are also a number of ways - email, text, iCloud, YouTube, Vimeo, and social networking to name a few - to share iPhone videos.

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There are a number of ways - e-mail, text, iCloud, Photo Stream, Dropbox, and social networking to name a handful of popular options - to share iPhone photos.

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